Free Handpan Tutorials Videos

Recommended and highly revered by everyone who watches them, the NovaPans Handpans Free Tutorial Series on Youtube has helped thousands learn the handpan - and for free! It's our mission at NovaPans to make handpan buying and learning more accessible to the greater public and our reviews speak for themselves.

Keep scrolling for all of our free handpan lessons and handpan sheet music!

Lessons 0 to 13: Getting Started on the Handpan

Learn Songs on a Handpan for Free

After you've watched and perfected all your basics on the handpan from the 0-13 Starter Handpan Videos above - or if you're just a quick learner - you'll be ready to learn songs on the handpan! Browse through our following collection of various Songs on a Handpan we've made as a goal to teach ALL the different songs on a handpan. Enjoy!

Download All The Handpan Sheet Music & Practice Material You Need

HandpanSheet Music Screenshot

We know we promised to make all handpan tutorial videos free - and we have! However, since making practice materials can take almost just as long to produce, we thought we could charge for just some lessons (not the Getting Started Series of course!) for those people wanting to take learning more seriously and even sign up for a Lifetime Package of Handpan Lessons. Just to be clear for everyone; we intend to continue producing Handpan Practice Material and Handpan Sheet Music indefinitely so you can expect to see new releases every month! Check out all the various Sheet Music and Practice Material here.

Looking for a handpan? Look no further:

9 & 12 Note Handpans | Multiple Scales | 432hz or 440hz | Nitrided Steel | Blue (Powder-Coated) | Generation 4 Starter Handpan Series


9 & 12 Note Handpans | Multiple Scales | 432hz or 440hz | Nitrided Steel | White (Powder-Coated) | Generation 4 Starter Handpan Series


9 & 12 Note Handpans | Multiple Scales | 432hz or 440hz | Nitrided Steel | Turquoise (Powder-Coated) | Generation 4 Starter Handpan Series


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NovaPans Handpans