
Learning the Handpan: Lesson 13 / Dotted Rhythms by NovaPans Handpans

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We've learnt straight rhythms (quavers and semi-quavers) and also triplet rhythms, but we've not yet learnt dotted rhythms. If we were to put some imagery to these rhythms well, a dotted rhythm would probably best be represented by a cantering horse (the kind of long-short rhythm ir short-long rhythm). Check out the video to learn how to:

Did you find this interesting/useful? Leave us a comment below! Also, don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions! Check out our other FREE handpan tutorials below:

An Introduction to Sheet Music for the Handpan
Lesson 0.1 / The Touch Technique
Lesson 0.2 / The Handpan Scale
Lesson 1 / Simplified Handpan Notation (Sheet Music for the Handpan)
Lesson 2 / Quaver (Half-Beat) Rhythms
Lesson 3 / Dynamics
Lesson 4 / Accents
Lesson 5 / Semiquaver (1/4 Beat) Rhythms
Lesson 6 / Harmonics & Pitch Pends
Lesson 7 / Percussive Slaps
Lesson 8 / Walking the Hands
Lesson 9 / Chords
Lesson 10 / Triplet Rhythms
Lesson 11 / Ghost Notes
Lesson 12 / Rewriting the Ding
Lesson 13 / Dotted Rhythms

Also, learn these pieces on the handpan! (notation provided):
The Last of the Mohicans (1992 film)
Sam Maher's New York Subway Piece

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However, there are some basic entry-level techniques which can really help accelerate the learning curve for development.

Handpan 3 -Novapans


By using the following few steps, you should be well on your way to picking a handpan which suits your needs to best of your situation

NovaPans Handpans